Franchise - 加盟專區 ![](
Holiday Xp除了提供專業的旅遊服務給客人,更加歡迎商界朋友的加盟。
想了解怎么加入Holiday XP 大家庭吗?更多详情,欢迎报名参加創業加盟说明会
加盟說明会!!! 合作1+1,收益更多!!!
如有兴趣参加说明会,请电邮到,詳細註明參加人數的姓名,電話,以及Email 以便预留坐位茶点及资料,想创业的朋友們赶快来报名吧!
悠遊假期旅遊是目前澳洲成長最快速的零售旅行業之 一。在澳洲代理連鎖加盟集團,目前共擁有13家門市, 服務據點涵蓋在墨爾本及雪梨二大城市。這些門市都 位於繁忙的購物中心,或熱鬧的郊區主街上。
悠遊假期旅遊創立於2007年創辦人林正森先生,第一 家門市開設在墨爾本博士山地區,隨後在澳洲二大城 市陸陸續續開設分店。在林正森先生的成長歷程中, 記憶裡母親不管有多辛苦,都堅持要透過旅行的方式 讓孩子有快樂的童年,即便再有限的預算,母親總能為 家人們安排一次次溫馨暢快的旅程。母親的這份堅 持,成為悠遊假期旅遊開設的初衷,因此希望能將這 份感動傳遞給更多的旅行者及對旅行產業有熱情的同 伴,並開啟了特許經營模式,歡迎加盟合作伙伴。
悠遊假期旅遊以「美好的假期,從接觸開始」為理 念,堅持專業的服務,不斷地編織一趟又一趟讓顧客 開心且難忘懷的感動旅程,並且拓展境內旅遊,出境旅 遊,商務考察,會展旅遊,航空票務等旅遊業務版圖。 悠遊假期旅遊不但是最快速成長的澳洲旅遊連鎖經營 體系,也是被認為最具多方服務的旅遊產業之一。
About HolidayXP
HOLIDAYXP is one of the fastest growing retail travel agency franchise groups in Australia today, with 13 stores in the major metropolitan areas of Melbourne and Sydney. The stores are located in busy shopping centres, on popular shopping strips or high streets and are easily accessible to the main target market, these being Asian Australians. Joe Lin, Managing Director of the Group, opened the first store in Melbourne in 2007.
His drive and determination to succeed is something that he believes was passed onto him by his mother who encouraged her children to travel and took them on fantastic holidays despite limited financial resources. Her positive attitude, passion and optimism inspired Joe to open the first HOLIDAYXP store and to subsequently grow the business.
This subsequently lead to the introduction of a franchise model and attractive investment opportunity for those looking to own and manage their own retail travel agency. Now in its 9th year of operation, the Group is growing from strength to strength and creating even further opportunities for franchisees and employees.
“愛體驗” 成為一個有號召力的口號。提供顧客不同需求的旅遊產品,成功地讓顧客感受到 深刻難忘的旅遊經驗,鞏固了顧客對悠遊假期旅遊的 忠誠度。悠遊假期旅遊不僅是要追求營運利潤,更要 建立一個以真誠服務旅遊品牌為發展願景。
Experience More
The tagline ‘Experie nce More’ says it all. With every holiday a customer books, they will Experience More. Great service and value, positive attitudes and travel expertise. The customer will get to experience the ordinary, the extraordinary, something near, something far, new ideas and new travel destinations …more than what they imagined possible as they embark on their next trip.
• 我們相信”一同創造完美旅程 ”我們的加盟店和 每一個員工都共同努力像是一個大家庭,努力為顧 客提供最貼心的服務。
• 我們的目標是為客戶提供一個精彩且難忘的旅 行。隨著顧客每一次的訂購經驗,將體驗更多不同的旅遊感受。
• 我們專注於提供各種旅遊計劃,以最有效的運用預 算提供最高品質的旅遊服務商品。
• 我們提供加盟主建立自己的旅遊商機讓您獲得更 大的成就。
• 我們始終提供更進一步的服務,創造接近完美旅 行,經驗和機會。 • 我們喜歡創新性和前瞻性的思維方式。
Mission and Values
• We truly believe “We Are In Travel For You.” Our franchisees and employees work together to prosper and are treated as part of our family.
• We aim to provide our customers with wonderful and unforgettable trips. With every holiday they book with us, they will Experience More. • We focus on offering a variety of planned itineraries and individually selected high quality products, always taking budget into account.
• We work with our franchisees to help them build their own travel businesses and future success.
• We always take the extra step to create perfect trips, experiences and opportunities.
• We are innovative and forward thinking.
• 加盟門檻低 - 我們將協助您進入悠遊假期旅遊, 讓您投資少、報酬多。
• 利潤分享–達成業績目標即可享有實質的報酬。
•店面設計與裝修 - 專業的設計團隊為每位加盟主 量身打造專屬個人的店面設計與裝修。
• 提供優質供應商和產品 - 我們慎選產品,提供給 加盟主高品質、低價格、及時性完成服務的旅遊 供應商。
• 人力資源和培訓 - 我們提供人力資源培訓,有計 劃地學習和訓練,教育旅遊知識技能及旅遊業的工 作態度,激發創新意識,使您能完全勝任旅遊產業 工作。
• 安心–您可以使用悠遊假期旅遊品牌元素,營銷體 系,加入悠遊假期旅遊這個優質品牌可以把開創業 務所涉及的風險降至最低。
• 專屬區 - 我們承諾加盟主有專屬的區域限定,公 司將控管一個區域內(固定的公里半徑範圍以內) 保證能快速有效的在專屬區域營運起來。
• 支持–提供給有力的支持體系,團隊合作和各個加 盟主的成功經驗分享,來協助您如何經營管理自己 的悠遊假期旅行社。
• 年度大會 - 每年舉辦年度會議活動,提供各加盟 主間的交流分享。
Benefits of Membership
• No high start-up costs – we work with you to ensure that you get the best value for your investment with no hidden costs
• Share of profits – you will be rewarded as your store achieves goals and targets
• Store set-up and design - we provide recommendations and assistance to get your store operational and give you a choice of layout and shop fitting ideas to suit your location within your budget
• Preferred suppliers and product – we negotiate agreements and ensure you benefit from our group buying power • Human Resources and Training – we provide HR Support and ongoing training from the day your store opens, to develop you and your staff
• Peace of mind – you get full access to all the HXP brand elements, marketing systems and collateral, ranging from signage to stationary and email addresses to a website and more!
• Exclusive area – we commit to not opening another store within agree radius of your store to ensure that the area is yours!
• Support – you leverage off the skills, teamwork and experience of other members in the Group, whilst managing your own business
• Participate in annual Conference
Holiday XP成長足跡
2007 – 第一間Holiday Xperience旅行社成立
2008 – 入駐Box Hill Shopping Centre (第一間實體店)
2010 – 成立車隊 規劃第二品牌 I Love Travel
2011 – 成立團務批發組
2012 – 規劃第三品牌 Time4Taiwan
2013 – Holiday Xperience重新包裝 正名為Holiday XP
2013 – 悉尼中國城分店開幕(第二間實體店)
2013 – Westfild Doncaster 店開幕(第三間實體店)
2013 – Sunshine 店開幕(第四間實體店)
– Box Hill 2號店開幕 (第五間實體店)
– 澳商悠遊假期臺灣辦公事成立
2014 – Glen Waverley 店開幕(第六間實體店)
– Melbourne City 店開幕 (第七間實體店)
2015 – Melbourne CBD店開幕 (第八間實體店)
– 9月份代理台灣國立政治大學歷屆來至世界各地校友數百人至澳洲、紐西蘭全程旅遊
- 12月 Dandenong Plaza 店開幕 (第九間實體店)
2016 - Springvale 店開幕 (第十間實體店)
2016 Clayton 店開幕 (第11間實體店)
2016 Whitehorse 店開幕 (第12間實體店)
Holiday XP加盟流程
展望Holiday XP的未來
Holiday XP拓店策略 – 在VIC & NSW共40間分店